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F-ONE ROCKET WING - S V.4 - new 2024
* Pērkot KOMPLEKTU, F-ONE wingu ar foila dēli vai foilu, saņem 20% procentu Atlaidi no cenas. Atlaides nesummējas. Iesniegt atlaides kodu: FONEKOMPLEKTS20 pie darbības Pasūtījuma noformēšana i-veikalā.
INFO no F-ONE: www.f-one.world/product/rocket-wing-s/
Kā izvēlēties savu F-ONE foila dēli? https://www.f-one.world/news/wing-foil/how-to-choose-your-f-one-foilboard/
Kā izvēlēties tilpumu un dēļa izmēru winfoilam?
- Beginner: Svars +40L
- Intermediate: Svars +10L
- Advanced: Svars -15L
ROCKET WING-S ar savu formu, kas maina spēles noteikumus, no jauna definē wingfoila braukšanu pa viļņiem. Piedāvājot fantastisku paātrinājumu neticami efektīvai pacelšanās iespējai, šis dēlis maksimāli paildzina jūsu braukšanas laiku uz viļņiem! Tiklīdz esat gaisā, izbaudiet tā atsaucību un manevrētspēju, lai brauktu kā vēl nekad agrāk.
- Uzlabota forma efektīvai pacelšanās iespējai un pilnīgai kontrolei, tiklīdz esat gaisā.
- Stabils, ērts un atsaucīgs, kas ļauj veikt pārliecinošus pagriezienus.
- Padziļināts klājs, kas pazemina smaguma centru un nodrošina lielisku dēļa kontroli.
- Kupolveidīgs priekšējais klājs, kas palielina tilpumu, lai viegli uzsāktu braukšanu ūdenī.
- Kompakts astes un priekšgala kontūrs fantastiskai manevrētspējai.
Once on the wave, the ROCKET WING-S is at home. Super responsive, any input will instantly act on the foil. It will intuitively allow you to lean in for your turns and elevate your wave riding to the next level.
Although of the same compact lengths as their ROCKET WING counterpart, these boards are narrower and with a little less volume, making them more maneuverable in the surf.
Compared to our previous models, the new ROCKET WING-S have, for the same length, a bit more volume, which will allow you to pick a smaller board for the same volume, or a more stable, larger board for the same length. The compact shape and outline of the board increase its overall maneuverability and performances.
Volume is perfectly distributed to provide great stability, balance, and control during take-offs or in flight. The domed nose adds volume at the front for easy and fast take-offs, while the ergonomic recessed deck brings you closer to the foil to always feel locked into the board and connected to the foil. The rocker is straighter in the back foot and foil area, leading to a better balance at all stages of the ride.
Take-offs have never been so smooth thanks to the double concave hull and the beveled rail profile extending to the tail, which facilitate pumping to be up and flying in no time. Near the tail, a pronounced step on the hull and bevels helps release from the water and reduces friction for improved take-off and stronger accelerations. The surf-type nose shape will have you feeling super comfortable in the waves, and help you get back up quickly if the board dives in.
Finally, the bamboo construction and bamboo reinforcements on the deck create a highly resistant and light shell all-around.
The ROCKET WING-S range has been considerably expanded, with 12 sizes ranging from 3’6 (20L) to 5’4 (80L). The smaller volumes of the 3’6 and 3’10 are geared towards the Next Generation of wing foilers.
We are also offering new sizes with different length/volume ratios: 4’6+ and 4’8+. These two boards are wider and, above all, thicker to offer an alternative with more volume for the same length for heavier riders.
All boards are equipped with a full pad, featuring a new and more comfortable grooving, inserts for three footstraps, and the Twin-Tracks system for foil compatibility. The position of the inserts has been modified, allowing for both a narrower stance and more angle on the back foot to get as close as possible to a perfect surfing position.