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* Pērkot KOMPLEKTU, F-ONE wingu ar foila dēli vai foilu, saņem 20% procentu Atlaidi no cenas. Atlaides nesummējas. Iesniegt atlaides kodu: FONEKOMPLEKTS20 pie darbības Pasūtījuma noformēšana i-veikalā.
INFO no F-ONE: www.f-one.world/product/rocket-wing-carbon/
Kā izvēlēties savu F-ONE foila dēli? https://www.f-one.world/news/wing-foil/how-to-choose-your-f-one-foilboard/
Kā izvēlēties tilpumu un dēļa izmēru winfoilam?
- Beginner: Svars +40L
- Intermediate: Svars +10L
- Advanced: Svars -15L
ROCKET WING CARBON ir īpaši izstrādāts, lai tiktu galā ar visiem taviem trakākajiem frīstaila trikiem. Tagad tas ir ieguvis jaunu formu, kas nodrošina neticamu stabilitāti, lielisku līdzsvaru, kā arī vieglu un ātru pacelšanos.
- Jauna forma nodrošina labāku līdzsvaru un vieglāku pacelšanos.
- Optimizēts tilpuma sadalījums lielākai stabilitātei.
- Stingrs, ļoti atsaucīgs un manevrētspējīgs.
- Oglekļa konstrukcija pielāgota frīstaila triku prasībām.
- Dēļa profilētās malas un dubultā ieliekuma forma nodrošina vieglāku pacelšanos un atraušanos no ūdens virsmas.
These new ROCKET WING CARBON boards group all the advantages of the standard ROCKET WING. With their excellent stability from side to side, smooth transition into flight, and very efficient pumping, they deliver the most intuitive wing foil experience.
Most importantly, the carbon construction gives these boards a strong resistance all while maintaining a light weight and is thus perfectly adapted to the freestyle tricks constraints.
In flight, the board benefits from optimized pitch balance through the enhanced hull’s angle. At low speeds, it is super stable and doesn’t nosedive nor decelerates abruptly during touchdowns. Take-offs are very efficient thanks to improved acceleration for easy planing starts.
These new ROCKET WING CARBON boards have been improved in virtually all areas. For the same length, they now pack a lot more volume, which will allow you to have a smaller board for the same volume.
The domed nose adds volume at the front for easy and steady waterstarts while the recessed deck brings you closer to the foil to always stay in control. The outline and short length make the board maneuverable with great rail to rail abilities, and easy to rotate around.
The outline of the tail and the nose have been redesigned and streamlined for greater stability, while the rocker, more pronounced on the nose, helps with better attitude in-flight and early planing with faster accelerations.
The sharp beveled rail profile and double concave hull shape will help you be up and flying in no time, and you won’t be unsettled when occasionally hitting the water or during touchdown. The hull also features a pronounced step near the tail, which helps reduce friction for improved take-off and lowers deceleration during touchdowns.
The ROCKET WING CARBON is now available in five sizes: 4’4, 4’6, 4’8, 5’0 and 5’3. This range is mostly aimed at advanced, technical riders looking for a board that will take them to new heights in freestyle or freeride.
All are equipped with a full pad, inserts for three footstraps, and the Twin-Tracks system for foil compatibility.