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CORE kaitsērfa dēlis RIPPER 3 5'10"
Stāvoklis: lietots, labā tehniskā kārtībā. Labota viena spuru kaste pie dēļu meistara Gata Satika.
Dēlis priekš Baltijas jūras viļņiem, ar vidēja tilpumu, platāku priekšgalu, kas atvieglo kāju maiņas manevru un ērts braukšanai bez kājsaitēm, ir paredzētas arī stiprinājuma vietas kājsaitēm ar iestrādātām M6 skrūvju stiprinājuma vietām. PU (poliuretāna) slēgtās putu šūnas dēlis, kas neuzsūc ūdeni, ja tiek uzsists caurums. Labi slāpē ūdens nelīdzenumu - saudzīgs pret locītavām. Pilnībā nokomplektēts braukšanai un transportēšanai. Kopumā mazlietots dēlis, vairāk stāvējis plauktā, kā ganījis viļņus. Tagad gaida jauno saimnieku!
Info. no CORE: https://corekites/ripper3.pdf
Izmērs: 5'10" (177.8cm), 25L tilpums
Cena: 1225.00 610.00 EUR (ieguvums 615.00 EUR) - 50 %
(CORE dēlis, FCS II spuras, Van Der Waal sērfošanas dēļa pretslīdes paliktņi, Manera drošības līša, Mystic dēļa soma)
Pārdod viens no CORE braucējiem, tas nav veikala īpašums!!! Igors G., Tel.: 26593371. Norēķins ir jāveic ar īpašnieku pa tiešo, bez mūsu starpniecības. Jautāt mums īpašnieka kontaktus. Dēli iespējams apskatīt Ventspilī un Rīgā.
Ražošanas gads: 2017./2020.
Apraksts par inventāru: jautāt KONTAKTI
The new Ripper3 is our super smooth riding custom glass surfboard. The revised tail shape, tucked under rails, and slightly reduced width may induce endless woohoos in just about any waves.
To all the wave warriors out there, we agree, there is no bigger rush than riding waves of all shapes and sizes. Strapped. Or strapless. Like the ones a Nor'easterly brings to the East Coast. Or a good low brings to the Great Lakes. For you, we built the ultra comfortable, Core Ripper3. An allrounder that feels right at home on big, messy, wind driven lake swell or the super smooth reefs of Mauritius and Maui. The Ripper3. A handcrafted, glass shortboard for all your road trips, wherever they may take you.
So, what is the payoff for going with glass over EPS? You get a classic, smooth riding surfboard with impeccable carving characteristics that performs just as well without a kite. Can’t find any waves? No problem, try the new waveboard Ripper 3 with a CORE LW kite and discover how much fun lightwind riding is. Go back to the future with the carbon fiber and glass Ripper 3 and find your inner wave ninja.
Tkb Says:
We’ve tested the Core Ripper in the surf, but this is the first time we’ve put this performance shape through the wringer for the freeride test. The Ripper 3 features a long, narrow surf profile with a rounded pin tail and classic custom glass construction that reinforces this high-performance wave shape for kitesurfing abuse. The Ripper features a single concave from nose to tail with a thruster fin box configuration that came with FCS2s Accelerator large-sized fins. The ¾ length deck pad features a diamond grip that comes in three sections and offers a ton of grip which earned it solid reviews for comfort from testers. The deck features a balsa inlay stringer in the center with two footstrap inserts along the center to choose forward/aft front footstrap position and three forward and aft centered inserts on the tail for back footstraps. The tail pad features a raised bump under your arch and a solid kick to keep your foot on the board during hard carves.