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Informācija no CORE: https://ridecore.com/us/kite/boards/twintips/fusion-6
Lielāka veiktspēja, mazāka oglekļa dioksīda klātbūtne
CORE vislabāk pārdotais twintipa dēlis - tagad ar īpaši efektīvu Cartan 2 oglekļa šķiedras audumu. Inovatīvs, vispusīgs dēlis, kas atbilst visām braucēja prasībām. Tā unikālie materiāli un tehnoloģijas, kas apvienoti izsmalcinātā formā ar ļoti atšķirīgu zemūdens virsmu, padara to par ideālu dēli visu veidu braucējiem, kas lieliski darbojas visās disciplīnās.
Minimāli cietāks un maksimāli izturīgāka. Fusion 6. paaudze balstās uz leģendārā CARVED Imperator inovācijām, pirmo reizi ieviešot vieglāku, jaudīgāku un ilgtspējīgāku Cartan 2 oglekļa materiālu. Pateicoties samazinātam slāņa biezumam, šis ogleklis uz koka serdes gulstas vienmērīgi, tādējādi samazinot sveķu patēriņu un palielinot efektivitāti stingrības un izturības ziņā. Formula ir vienkārša: lielāks šķiedru saturs laminātā nozīmē mazāku materiāla daudzumu, kas ļauj sasniegt lielākus un ātrākus atdeves spēkus, galu galā nodrošinot izcilu veiktspēju.
CORE’s bestselling twintip - now featuring the remarkably efficient Cartan 2 carbon fiber weave. An innovative, holistic board that meets all the requirements of the aspiring rider. Its unique materials and technology, packed in a sophisticated shape with highly differentiated underwater hull, make it the ideal board for all types of riders, excelling in all disciplines.
Minimally stiffer and maximally stronger. The Fusion 6th generation builds upon the innovation of the legendary CARVED Imperator, introducing for the first time the lighter, more powerful, and sustainable Cartan 2 Carbon. With its reduced layer thickness, this carbon lies flat on the wood core, resulting in lower resin usage and increased efficiency in terms of stiffness and strength. The formula is simple: higher fiber content in the laminate translates to less material, allowing for higher and faster restoring forces, ultimately delivering superior performance.
Smaller ecological footprint. As a manufacturer, we prioritize our responsibility to enhance the sustainability of our production and supply chains. Introducing The GreenPoxy, an epoxy resin with 35% of its molecular structure derived from plants we can ensure a significant enviromental contribution without compromising its function and performance. Additionally, our switch to Cartan 2, has resulted in a reduction of cutting waste by up to 80%.
Master every challenge. Take your skills to the next level. Try the Fusion 6 now.
Key Features:
- NEW! CARTAN® 2 CARBON: Thinner, stronger carbon fibre fabric with 80% less cutting waste
- UNIBODY EDGE: the best connection of deck and hull
- PAULOWNIA LIGHT: even lighter wood core with the same strength
- NEW! GREENPOXY: 35% epoxy resin of plant origin
- MULTI CHANNELS: grip and control in all situations
- KATANA CHANNELS: stiffer tips for increased response and restoring force
- V-SHAPED KEEL: early gliding, buttery soft landings
- BEVELED DECK: minimized reverse flex and better planning
- VEE ROCKER: fast without the risk of diving
- TUCKED UNDER RAILS: more grip and more effective gain in height
- NEW! EQ FIN SET (48MM): equal grip, more agility
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