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CORE EQ FIN komplekts 48MM
Equal grip. More agility
Izstrādāts, testēts un pilnveidots trīs gadu laikā. Pilnībā pārveidotā EQ spuras ne tikai izskatās īpaši, bet arī darbojas īpaši labi. Ar platu spuras pamatni, kas atgādina jūras belugas pieri, tā efektīvi novērš ūdens iesūkšanos. Atšķirībā no standarta spuras, EQ spuras saķeres līmenis saglabājas nemainīgs, palielinoties ātrumam, un tas sniedz ievērojamas priekšrocības. Šī īpašība manāmi atvieglo atbrīvošanos pat pie pilna ātruma, ļaujot vienmērīgāk veikt pārkārtošanos. Turklāt noapaļotā pāreja starp spuru un dēli samazina pretestību, kas rodas, kad saskaras divas virsmas.
EQ spuras ir arī izstrādātas tā, lai tās būtu vieglas, un, pateicoties dobajam iekšpusē esošajam Equalizer spuras materiālam, tās sver par aptuveni 30 % mazāk nekā Equalizer spuras. Rupjā virsma nav tikai negluds apdares elements, bet gan tehniska glazūra uz "tortes": turbulentās straumēs precīzi definētais nelīdzenums samazina ūdens spēka "piesūkšanos" un palielina manevrētspēju.
Developed, tested and refined over three years. The completely redesigned EQ fin not only looks exceptional, it performs exceptionally. With a wide fin base resembling a beluga forehead, it effectively prevents water from being sucked in. Unlike standard fins, the grip level of EQ fins remains consistent as speed increases, offering a distinct advantage. This feature noticeably facilitates easier release even at full speed, allowing for smoother switching. Additionally, the rounded transition between the fin and board minimizes drag, which occurs when two surfaces meet.
The EQ fin is also designed to be lightweight, weighing approximately 30 percent less than the Equalizer fin, thanks to its hollow interior. The rough surface is not just an unclean finish, but the technical icing on the cake: in turbulent currents, the precisely defined roughness minimizes suction and increases maneuverability.
Over 20 years CORE has earned a reputation for providing the highest standards of quality and performance in watersports products. Based at one of Europe's watersports hotspots – the island of Fehmarn in Germany – CORE finds perfect conditions to test and develop gear right on their doorstep, before products are put through their final test in the hands of the international pro team at the most demanding spots in the world. A variety of exclusive materials and elaborate production processes ensure a special riding experience reserved only for CORE